Terms of Use

By submitting a photo image to the Colorado School of Mines, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of BlasterCard use. If you do not accept and agree to the terms of usage, please do not proceed with the image submission and contact the Campus Living Office at the Colorado School of Mines.

This photo upload site is operated and maintained by the BlasterCard program located in the Campus Living Office. The BlasterCard Program is part of Campus Life and Student Success (CLASS) which is in turn part of the Division of Student Life.

The BlasterCard is the property of the Colorado School of Mines and its use is governed by the University’s regulations and policies. It is required that it be carried at all times by students, faculty, and staff and must be presented to any University official. Lost or stolen cards should be reported to the Director of Campus Card Services or a representative there of as soon as possible. There might be a replacement charge associated with lost, stolen, or damaged cards.